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What a surprise... Triomphe Busted! And blacklisted...

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b2ap3_thumbnail_triomphe-busted.pngA few days ago, the FreeExtraChips team became aware, thanks to the egregious work of investigation by LatestCasinoBonues' guys, that AffPower's casinos (Conan Gaming Limited) were offering NetEnt games without having any title nor operating license.

The trick they were using (and that they still use...) was as ingenious as mischievous: basically, the pirated software from NetEnt is moved to a server (most likely) that they own ( AffPower ) and served to unsuspecting players not aware that they are playing on a lawful slot or casino game. LCB guys discovered the trick and made ​​aware of the crime the entire players community via their blog, you can read the article here, on LCB site.

Our immediate reaction was to blacklist the two online casino of the group listed on our website: Deuce Club and Cosmik Casino.

On our side, being now in alert, we went to check also  another online casino present in our database which plays in the sphere of AffPower (Conan Gaming Limited), Casino Triomphe, reviewed just some weeks ago. Andof course, the surprise was not really a surprise . You think? Casino Triomphe also uses the same method, same fake games hosted on the same servers. Below there is the evidence:



Another screenshot, another detail:


This applies also for the other FAKE Triomphe "sister-casino", Casino Blu (we were reviewing it... bye bye, less work).

Just STAY AWAY from those casinos. They use unscrupolous business models, they cheat, they fake games and they do tricks to not pay winnings. There is plenty of legit casinos, just stay away from this group.

Final words: Casino Triomphe BLACKLISTED!

Update 15 May 2016.

LCB's guys discovered another two casinos scamming on software. Same story, pirated software served as legit. In this case the software in question is Novomatic. The two casinos (we don't have them on our database but we are happy to report this shady behavior) are Twist Casino and Vulkan Casino. In addition to this, this group were using also false licensing informations. For more details, as usual, refer to LatestCasinoBonuses.com blog, article here

On our side, we are inspecting ALL CASINOS in our database. You may expect updates soon.


  • Elen Rogers
    Elen Rogers Wednesday, 18 May 2016 · Delete

    Thank you for this article, and to LCB for doing this research for us.

  • FreeExtraChips
    FreeExtraChips Wednesday, 18 May 2016 · Delete

    Thanks Elen!

  • Ann Abbitz
    Ann Abbitz Tuesday, 17 May 2016 · Delete

    Friday the 13th WAS a bad day for them, it seems. :) Great job. It really irks me when you're trying to enjoy all these games and fork over your money for some entertainment and they try to screw you over. Thanks for your diligence!

  • FreeExtraChips
    FreeExtraChips Wednesday, 18 May 2016 · Delete

    Thanks a lot, Ann.
    But we must stress that the initial and crucial work was done by LatestCasinoBonuses. Thanks to them.

  • MuffinBlake
    MuffinBlake Friday, 13 May 2016 · Delete

    What a shame! Great job guys! Both FreeExtraChips and LCB!
    I will stay away miles and miles from those casinos!

  • FreeExtraChips
    FreeExtraChips Friday, 13 May 2016 · Delete


  • American Idiot
    American Idiot Friday, 13 May 2016 · Delete

    Put them in jail and throw away the keys! Unbelievable!
    Thanks guys for the spot and congratulations for the catch to LCB!

  • FreeExtraChips
    FreeExtraChips Friday, 13 May 2016 · Delete

    Thank you man!
    The biggest work was done by LCB , we knew where to look

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