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b2ap3_thumbnail_Rich-Casino_20160115-070701_1.pngWith just as little as $65 as bonus money from Rich Casino, a player can make up to $150 in cash in a matter of minutes by playing in the Black Diamond Tournament. The Black Diamond tournament was initiated by Rich Casino and is scheduled to take place from day 12 of January 2016 to the 31st of the same month. The casino has also incorporated the Diamond Dazzle promotion which accords its players with a free chip to be used to game at the slot machines where points crucial for the tournament are earned.

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More often than not various businesses have embraced mergers as a way of improving their services and making substantial profits. This not only accrues huge profits but acts as way of having various clients with different desires under one roof. 2016 is deemed as a year when different betting firms will try to join hands with various objectives among them maximizing profits.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Megajackpots.pngMegajackpots series of slots by IGT have been generous rewarding its loyal players. They awarded 5 lucky players with jackpots which totalled to £3.6 million. These wins all happened in two of the most popular titles in the Megajackpots collection. This is great luck and we hope that it will continue throughout the year of 2016.

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b2ap3_thumbnail_2016.pngAs the years pass, online gambling is becoming profitable and more popular. 2015 saw the launch of multiple online casinos around the globe. America still went on with its fight on legalization of online gambling and there was a temporary win favouring online gambling.

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b2ap3_thumbnail_John-Jackson.pngA new face is expected to venture in Playtech, the FTSE listed online betting technology provider. This comes after the firm confirmed that it has made a crucial appointment of John Jackson. The new recruit will be tasked with holding the duties performed by the Non-Executive Director.


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