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DJ Cat Slot by Push Gaming – Proud Evolution of "Win What You See" Mechanic

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Push Gaming’s Win What You See mechanic has turned into a recent success story. Initially released with Generous Jack back in December of 2022 and followed by the launch of DJ Fox a year later, this feature awards prizes in a unique, never-seen-before fashion. Arguably, only folks from this innovative UK-headquartered studio could execute it in such a thrilling way and they went ever further. The new DJ Cat has been recently announced and we think it craftly fills in some of the gaps left by the other two games. We got our hands on the demo and all the stats, so here’s what you may want to know when it comes out on the 16th of April.

Evolving Gameplay: What Sets DJ Cat Apart

As the name suggests, DJ Cat is a continuation of the DJ Fox game, so naturally they have a lot in common. However, whereas the fox slot has a 5x3 reel, the cat slot adds one more row, turning it into a 5x4 game and opening up quite a lot more space for the symbols. Furthermore, Push has redesigned the multiplier function by eliminating a global win multiplier meter and replacing it with five individual ones that apply to each row. We’ll get to that in just a bit, but first, let’s talk betting and the Push-Up mechanic.

Push-Up Mechanic

DJ Cat is a 5x4-reel game, yes, but each row is independent and each of the 4 slots in them spins separately from each other, just like the “spin-and-hold” type of slots. Similarly to DJ Fox, there’s only one row active by default and to unlock the next one, you’ll need an Arrow Symbol. There’s no Bonus Buy here either, but players can use the alternative, which is to pay more to unlock 2 or all the way up to 5 rows at once.

Maximizing Wins: The Role of Multiplier Meters in DJ Cat

DJ Cat has a progressive multiplier for each row. It goes like this:

  • Row 1 multipliers: x2, x3, x5
  • Row 2 multipliers: x3, x5, x10
  • Row 3 multipliers: x5, x10, x15
  • Row 4 multipliers: x10, x15, x20
  • Row 5 multipliers: x20, x50, x100.

When you collect a VIP symbol on a row, it boosts that row's multiplier by one step. If it's a double VIP symbol, the boost is even bigger. As a result, in this version multipliers have a much more immediate effect on wins than in DJ Fox.

Win What You See

This is what it all comes down to. There are 10 symbols that make up the “win-what-you-see” mechanic – no pay-lines in this game. These are the CD Symbols that go from 0—9, zero being worth nothing, one being worth 10% of the stake and nine being worth 0.9x the bet or 90% of the stake. There’s also a dud symbol that’s just blank and worth nothing.

Essentially, if you land a “7” symbol, a “Dud” symbol and a “0” symbol, from left to right, you’ll get paid 7+0=7x 10%, so 70% of the initial bet. If the numbers go in succession, for example, four “9” symbols in a row, you’ll win 9,999x 10% or 999.9x the stake. Keep in mind that each row can have multipliers too, so it’s not hard to see where the maximum win of 10,000x could come from.

Final Thoughts

You may have noticed that there’s no bonus in this slot and that’s for a good reason. They wanted to keep the entire game fast-paced and really focus on existing features rather than watering everything down with a separate bonus. Some will like it more than others, but we personally think there’s plenty of room for slots that go by the maxim “less is more”. Be sure to give it a try later next month, especially in portrait mode, as this game is pretty much designed for that. Meanwhile, check out one of their latest games, Wild Swarm 2!

Tagged in: new slot push gaming



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