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Bwin.party extends supplier partnership with Danske Spil

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b2ap3_thumbnail_bwin.party.pngThere has been a multi-year supplier services extension agreement that has made it possible for the bwin.party entertainment which has its headquarter in Gibraltar, to remain one of the major suppliers of podiums and contents for Danish state owned operator, Danske Spil. This extension period is to be granted up to 2019, and is a continuation of partnership with bwin.party which has been in operation since 2012, when the operator launched casino and poker services for Denmark’s newly synchronized igaming market. Currently, Danske Spil is the major gambling operator for the Danish market with around 603 million euros in profits for the year, 2014. The extension period was announced by the CEO Norbert Teufelberger, who stated that that he was grateful that their studios business operator had decided to extend operations up until 2019.

The bwin.party operators had originally settled a supply agreement with the operator in 2010, signing a five-year contract, only for this to be revoked following defiance from Playtech, which also proposed for the contract. Nonetheless it was then reselected as the ideal partner devoid of a new tender being released. Thus, London-listed bwin.party digital entertainment will continue to be a key supplier to Danske Licens Spil, which offers a number of gambling selections, which include;  numbers games, national lottery, instant games, and machine gaming and many other categories. Danske Spil is also known to have developed a great and above alla profitable online gambling business, run by its fully-owned subsidiary Danske Licens Spil.

The bwin.party operators announced that it was ready to expand Danske Spil igaming services. The CEO further added that Danske Spil is the most common market leader in Denmark and he was delighted to be their major supplier of online poker and casino games. The CEO of Danske Licens Spil, Niels Erik Folmann, also made some comments stating that the digital channel had become a very important part of their operation in business and they were fully committed to expand it further through the years. He also stated that bwin.party was the most trusted to help in supporting their goals.









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