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10 Amazing Casino Facts to Amaze Your Friends with

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b2ap3_thumbnail_Facts.pngFor you to be a professional in the world of casino gaming, some practice would call in. even legends can at least have a look at these facts below just to be on the front line of knowledge.

  • ‘Casino’ is an Italian word with ‘Casa’ meaning a house and hence casino meant ‘Little House’
  • It is believed that the biggest loss to ever happen in casino involved King Henry VIII who offered the bells of St Paul after losing a dice game.
  • In essence, a bona fide poker chip is believed to have a mass of roughly 10 grams. It is not precise 10 grams as it can be more or less that mass. More often than not, the manufactures and sellers of the ‘play at home’ chips basically increase their mass. However, those chips found in casinos seldom do they weigh over 11 grams.
  • In general, a stalk of cards has a total of 52 cards. Did you know that these cards can give out over 2.5 million different combinations? This combination would be entailed with 5 cards each.
  • The invention of cards basically originated in France. Each represents a suit that was made for different people in France. The Noblemen wore (Spades), Traders were entitled to (Diamonds), The Clergy went for (Hearts) while the Commoners suited the (Clubs).
  • Roulette which is commonly termed as “The Red Wheel” got its nickname from the fact that the total sum of its numbers brought the value 666 which is believed to be the mark of Satan.
  • According to a research conducted in 2003, Australia topped all other nations in terms of the number of gamblers in the nation.
  • Gambling legend was asked by Doyle Bruson to join him in a Russian Roulette game in a six filled chamber but he rejected and requested the game be played in a five chamber filled.
  • Dead Man’s Hand (two black eights, two black aces), a hand in poker emerged at the death of Wild Bill Hickok who held it before he was shot.
  • Blackjack player legend Napoleon Bonaparte a French emperor would spend most of his time playing it during his time in exile.





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