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Blog posts tagged in slot

b2ap3_thumbnail_Wonder-Woman.pngFor a long time, Marvel has dominated the DC comics for a couple of years. From the initial release of Iron movie, marvel has continued to come up with movies that are based on comics like Captain America, the Avengers and Thor. Playtech saw a business opportunity in this and started the Marvel comic slots.

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b2ap3_thumbnail_Spinata-Grande.pngOn 23 March, 2015, Net Entertainment released Spinata Grande, its newest video slot. If your idea of having a great casino entertainment is playing online slots with Mexican music, then Spinata Grande is the game for you.

NetEnt was established in 1996, making it one of the first gaming software developer in the gambling industry. All games powered by this software are friendly to players with low budget. Moreover, the games are well developed and have impressive jackpot offers for players to enjoy.


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