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b2ap3_thumbnail_Casino-cruise.pngCasino Cruise has been known to offer the extravagant prizes to its players; maybe it’s the reason they took up the name casino cruise as they are always taking you up for cruises all over the world. In the current promotion, they are offering a lucky player two tickets to Dubai that will be worth more than €6,000. This offer will be running from 6th May to 27th May.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Wonder-Woman.pngFor a long time, Marvel has dominated the DC comics for a couple of years. From the initial release of Iron movie, marvel has continued to come up with movies that are based on comics like Captain America, the Avengers and Thor. Playtech saw a business opportunity in this and started the Marvel comic slots.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Microgaming.pngBefore the end of May, there will be five new slot releases by Microgaming. They games will be available on both desktop and mobile platforms. Ariana will be released on HTML5, Apple iOS and Sndroid on 6th May. The game will be available on all the Microgaming casinos on out site such as BETAT casino, Bet365 and All Slots Casino.

b2ap3_thumbnail_Crazy-Vegas_20150507-094833_1.pngAs the casino name suggests, you will always have a crazy time on this online gambling portal as you would if you travelled to Las Vegas. To spice up your May experience, they have a tournament lined up for you dubbed Accumulator.

b2ap3_thumbnail_VIP-Club.pngIf you are a VIP at Casino 888, there is a lot for you to enjoy from their uniquely designed VIP Club. There are exclusive elite events and prizes which are given as rewards for your loyalty. As a VIP member at 888 Casino, you will have access to unbelievable promotions, personalized services, deposit bonuses and high complimentary point conversion rates.


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